Verified Views Photography
Verified Views
Verified Views are highly accurate photomontages which precisely represent proposed future developments to a verifiable standard.
Allowing the local authority to make a meaningful assessment, these specialised views are an integral part of the planning process in the UK.
White + White are expert photographers in the field with over a decades experience producing photography for verified views across every London borough and across the UK.
If you’re a visualiser who needs professional verified view photography get in touch with us below

What are Verified Views?
Verified Views are the industry standard for presenting proposed future developments within the UK. These highly accurate photomontages combine:
/ Verified photography
/ surveying
/ camera matching
/ 3D modelling
/ rendering
Verified Views are also referred to as:
/ Accurate visual representations (AVR)
/ Verified images
/ Visually verified montages (VVM)
/ Verified photo-montages
/ Certified views
Verified Views Photography
Simply put verified views photography is photography shot using a verifiable methodology which can be replicated again and again to a high degree of accuracy. white + white have more than a decades combined experience shooting 1000s of verified views, working with some of the most respected townscape consultants, architects, developers and visualisers. This experience allows them to work with efficiency and thoroughness throughout the process.
Why choose white + white?
white + white’s experience is extensive and wide ranging, having worked on over 400 planning applications across the UK ranging from small roof extensions to large towers, masterplans, art installations (The Mastaba, Illuminated River) and planning inquiries (Chiswick Curve, 225 Marshwall, Albany Riverside). This broad experience can be drawn on to ensure clients needs are met at every stage of the process.
However straightforward the brief looks, white + white will always talk it through with their client to ensure all parties are on the same page. Matthew + Amy believe it is integral to keep communication open and flowing throughout the project.
Meticulous planning
In-depth planning and organisation is a core value which sets white + white apart, it ensures a higher quality result and saves the client time and money. Once the brief is confirmed, desktop studies are undertaken, analysing view positions, lighting, time of day, street furniture and permissions. This work usually resolves the majority of issues prior to the site visit, in turn creating a thorough and efficient workflow. Any issues that are raised on site are usually handled in the first instance using Matthew + Amy’s experience or by speaking to the client if necessary.
Townscape/Planning Consultants
Having worked closely with numerous townscape/planning consultants over the years, white + white know and understand how and why view positions are chosen. This knowledge is invaluable when making informed decisions on site and generally leads to sensible options being taken if needed.
Once photography has been signed off, surveyors attend the same view positions and collect height, GPS location data and survey points across the frame, this information allows the visualiser to accurately place the 3D proposed scheme into the photograph. white + white have a solid understanding of the survey work undertaken having worked with and briefed numerous surveyors over the past decade. This knowledge allows Matthew + Amy to make decisions on site which ensure surveyors jobs are made easier and ensure accuracy. If needed white + white can visit site with the surveyor.
white + white follow a strict, transparent methodology, this not only ensures consistent accuracy but also the ability for their work to be replicated if needed.

white + white follow the two key pieces of guidance available, these are the “London View Management Frame Work - Appendix C: Accurate Visual Representations” and “The Landscape Institute - Photography and Photomontage guidance (01/11) on 17 September 2019”. Matthew + Amy have extensive experience dealing with councils across London and the UK and their interpretation of this guidance and are always happy to discuss.
Camera Location
Locations are generally chosen in advance by townscape/planning consultants and briefed to the photographer. On site, experience allows Matthew + Amy to make sensible decisions, weighing up the needs of all involved. Where needed, options are taken.
Tripod/Camera Set Up
The tripod is set up over a recognisable point on the ground, a plumb line is used to ensure accuracy. The point is marked up to ensure the surveyor can find the same position in future, ideally with a survey nail but if this is not viable using survey chalk.
Location Documentation
Photographs are taken of the tripod from multiple angles for the purposes of the methodology and to ensure the surveyor can find the location at a later date. This is also useful for the photographer who might need to re shoot the photograph, for example in winter/summer. Photographs are also taken closer up of the plumb line over the marked up/pinned position.
white + white have extensive experience editing verified images to ensure they match the conditions experienced on site. Additionally they have experience of stitching shifted images in the most efficient way to ensure the stitch doesn’t effect the rendered part of the frame. If this is not needed, images can provided as RAW files for in house editing.
The London View Management Framework
Matthew + Amy have extensive knowledge of the London View Management Framework views across London having shot them all on numerous occasions.
If you have any questions about the views, viewing corridors, require up to date photography or wish to license an image please get in touch below.